The EMT supports the President and CEO in his or her duties in coordinating the Group’s management and preparing matters to be discussed at Board meetings. The matters include e.g.

  • long-term goals of the Group and its business strategy for achieving them
  • acquisitions and divestments
  • organisational and management issues
  • development projects
  • internal control
  • risk management systems.

The EMT is chaired by the President and CEO. In 2024, in addition to the President and CEO, the EMT comprises the CEO of Media Finland  as well as the Chief Financial Officer of Sanoma Group.

Members of the EMT(as of 1 January 2024)

Rob Kolkman, President and CEO (Chair)
Alex Green, CFO 
Pia Kalsta, CEO of Sanoma Media Finland

Remuneration of the EMT

Share ownership of the EMT