The Board may appoint committees, executive committees and other permanent or fixed-term bodies to focus on certain duties  assigned by the Board. The Board confirms the charter of these committees and provides the policies given to other bodies appointed  by the Board. The committees report regularly to the Board.

The Board has an Executive Committee that prepares proposals for matters to be decided or noted by the Board. In addition, the Board has an Audit Committee and a Human Resources Committee.

The members of the committees are appointed among the members of the Board in accordance with the charter of the respective committee. The committees are neither decision-making nor executive bodies, but the Board can, if it so decides, delegate certain decision-making authority to the Committees or the President and CEO.

In its organisation meeting held after the AGM 2024, the Board of Directors decided to appoint from among its members the following members to its committees:

Executive Committee

Pekka Ala-Pietilä (Chair), Klaus Cawén and Rob Kolkman 

Audit Committee

Rolf Grisebach (Chair), Klaus Cawén, Mika Ihamuotila and Sebastian Langenskiöld

Human Resources Committee

Julian Drinkall (Chair), Anna Herlin and Sebastian Langenskiöld

Composition, duties and responsibilities of the Board Committees

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee prepares matters to be considered at the Board meetings. The Executive Committee consists of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board, the President and CEO and, at the Chair’s invitation, one or
 everal members of the Board.

In 2023, the Executive Committee comprised Pekka Ala- Pietilä (Chair), Nils Ittonen and Susan Duinhoven. The Executive Committee convened four times in 2023, with an attendance rate of 100%.

Members' attendance at Executive Committee meetings in 2023
Board member # of meetings attended Attendance rate, %
Pekka Ala-Pietilä (Chair) 4/4 100
Susan Duinhoven 4/4 100
Nils Ittonen 4/4 100


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for matters pertaining to financial reporting and control, risk management, external audit and internal audit, in accordance with the Charter approved by the Board, the Finnish Corporate Governance Code as well as applicable laws and regulations.

The Audit Committee e.g. reviews the Interim Reports and Half-Year Report, discusses enterprise risk analyses including identified risks and mitigation plans, monitors the principles concerning the monitoring and assessment of related party transactions, prepares the appointment, monitors and evaluates the independence of the company’s auditor, and approves the internal audit plan including a follow up of its progress. The Audit Committee also reviews the Corporate Governance Statement and the Group’s nonfinancial reporting.

In 2023, besides the regular agenda items, the Audit Committee had updates on information security, finance organisation, privacy, ethics and compliance. The Committee paid special attention to free cash flow performance as well as the progress of the sustainability programme under Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

In addition to members of the Audit Committee, the company’s President and CEO, CFO and people responsible for topics on the Audit Committee’s agenda participate in meetings presenting their corresponding agenda items to the Committee. In addition, the Internal Auditor participates in the Audit Committee meetings. The Auditor in Charge is also present at the meetings and gives updates on auditing work conducted in between the meetings.

In accordance with its Charter, the Audit Committee consists of the Chair of the Committee and at least two and at most four members, appointed annually by the Board among its members. Members of the Committee shall be independent of the company, and at least one member shall also be independent of significant shareholders. As required by law, at least one member of the Audit Committee must have expertise in accounting or auditing. The Committee meets at least four times a year.

From the date of the 2023 AGM, the Audit Committee comprised Denise Koopmans (Chair), Mika Ihamuotila, Nils Ittonen and Sebastian Langenskiöld. All members of the Committee are independent of the company and three members (Mika Ihamuotila, Sebastian Langenskiöld and Denise Koopmans) are independent of significant shareholders of the company. All of the members are financial experts based on their educational or occupational backgrounds. In addition, there is sustainability competence represented in the Committee. The Audit Committee convened six times in 2023, with an average attendance rate of 84%.

Members' attendance at Audit Committee meetings 
Board member # of meetings attended Attendance rate, %
Denise Koopmans (Chair)3 5/6 83
Mika Ihamuotila  4/6 67
Nils Ittonen  5/6 83
Sebastian Langenskiöld 1 5/5 100
Rolf Grisebach 2 1/1 100
Anna Herlin 2 1/1 100

1 Member since 19 April 2023
2 Member until 19 April 2023
3 Mika Ihamuotila chaired the May meeting of the Audit Committee
in place of Committee Chair Denise Koopmans, with the support
of Rolf Grisebach, who was invited to attend

Human Resources Committee

The Human Resources Committee is responsible for preparing human resources matters related to the compensation of the President and CEO and key executives, evaluation of the performance of the President and CEO and key executives, Group compensation policies, Human Resources policies and practices, development and succession plans for the President and CEO, as well as key executives and other preparatory tasks as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Board and/or the Chair of the Board. In addition, the Committee discusses the composition and succession of the Board as well as prepares the Remuneration Policy and Remuneration Report.

In 2023, in addition to key remuneration aspects, the Human Resources Committee followed up on the implementation of the People Excellence Programme, aimed at strengthening the HR capabilities, especially with the new HR system implementation, and the related change management and communication implications. The Human Resources Committee also focused on learning and development, aimed to help all employees reach their potential with inclusive, blended learning solutions, and the cultural change required for the 70/20/10 framework to be fully implemented (70% learning on the job, 20% learning from peers and 10% classical training).

In addition to members of the Human Resources Committee, the company’s President and CEO, CHRO, HRO of Media Finland and other people responsible for HR participated in the meetings, presenting respective agenda items to the Committee.

The Human Resources Committee comprises at least three and at most five members, who are appointed annually by the Board. The majority of the members shall be independent of the company. The Committee meets at least twice a year.

From the date of the 2023 AGM, the Human Resources Committee comprised Julian Drinkall (Chair), Rolf Grisebach, Anna Herlin and Sebastian Langenskiöld. All members of the Committee are independent of the company and three members (Julian Drinkall, Rolf Grisebach and Sebastian Langenskiöld) are independent of significant shareholders of the company. There is sustainability competence represented in the Committee. The Human Resources Committee convened four times with an attendance rate of 100%.

Members' attendance at Human Resources Committee meetings
Board member # of meetings attended Attendance rate, %
Julian Drinkall (Chair) 4/4 100
Rolf Grisebach 1 3/3 100
Anna Herlin 1 3/3 100
Sebastian Langenskiöld   4/4 100
Rafaela Seppälä 2 1/1 100

1 Member since 19 April 2023
2 Member until 19 April 2023