In a mature market for magazines, you need to surprise. Me-time magazine Flow seems to be a successful formula especially in these days. The overall conclusion is: Flow is appealing and stirs the emotions.

Spirit of the age

Last November Sanoma Uitgevers launched a new magazine concept Flow, a so-called me-time magazine for women in the age of 30-45 years with a busy (but fun!) life.

Flow has a completely different concept from existing women's magazines. The magazine provides tranquility and offers different ways of approaching life.

"At this very moment Flow seems to fit into the spirit of the age, even more than we expected in the beginning," says Anita Mooiweer, Head of Business Development at Sanoma Uitgevers. Women - and even men - identify themselves with Flow. The magazine is divided in four sections: live mindfully, feel connected, spoil yourself and simplify your life. Readers are looking for authenticity and simple solutions in a useful way.


According to a dedicated research accomplished by Sanoma Uitgevers, women among the target group are entrepreneurial, socially aware and they feel a strong sense of responsibility. At the same time they feel tired of all the must-do's and they experience a lot of stress from making all kinds of choices. There is too much to choose from and some me-time is wished for. Flow is adapting to this present spirit of the age: The magazine relativizes and is something to enjoy.

Flow is creative, innovative and entrepreneurial in every aspect - in both form and content. With a lot of creative extras, various use of printing, cutting and binding techniques, surprising types of paper, Flow stationary and different textures, Flow is a complete innovation in the publishing industry.

"Because of the unique design the magazine feels like a little present. Readers mainly appreciate this", says Mooiweer. The magazine, only made by five people, encourages readers to be creative as well. The Flow team has been inundated with emails, letters, photographs and hand-made items. Over 100 responses a week!

Out of the box

Flow is set up in a very different way Sanoma Uitgevers is used to make magazines. "We did not have any limits considering creativity, organisation or initiative. Our only instruction was to create a magazine that is fulfilling the needs of our target group," Mooiweer says.

Thinking and acting out of the box resulted in a completely different kind of magazine concept: new in editorial approach and new in printing-style. Just experience Flow and you will understand.

At the moment Sanoma Uitgevers is busy preparing a licensing-plan for future international ambitions of this concept.

Facts and figures

The total circulation of Flow after six first months is more than 50,000. Flow is published seven times a year.

Sanoma Uitgevers is part of the Sanoma Group's magazines division, Sanoma Magazines.