Nelonen Media's TV channel JIM started its operations a year ago, 26 February 2007. The first year has been excellent and the channel has exceeded all set targets. On Sunday, 2 March 2008 the number of JIM's daily viewers exceeded one million viewers for the first time. The channel had over 1.1 million viewers.
In its target group of 25–44 year old men JIM has been outstanding compared to other target group channels. The channel's weekly reach in this segment was 57% in January–February 2008. The channel rules also on national level. Its national viewing share in the segment of 10–44 year old was 3.7% in January–February.
The channel's most viewed programs have been different kinds of entertainment programs and JIM D documentaries. The most viewed program in 2007 in the segment of 10+ year-old was the 26 November 2007 presented episode of series called Uskomattomat videot (Unbelievable videos). The program had 108,000 viewers, which is an excellent achievement. In its target group of 25–44 year-old men JIM is growing its viewing share constantly. Its commercial viewing share rose to 8.4% in February 2008.
Source: Finnpanel Oy, TV-mittaritutkimus (weekly reach and viewing share January–February 2008 / weeks 1–8, commercial viewing share February 2008 / weeks 5–8).
Nelonen Media is part of SanomaWSOY Group's SWelcom division.