Helsingin Sanomat's weekly supplement NYT will be renewed to a more comprehensive TV and event guide. In addition, NYT will also continue to write up to date articles. The first rewamped NYT will be published on Friday 28 January. The new NYT will include program guide for 36 TV channels, new article series, theme pages and columnists, among others.

- Supplement NYT will have a new layout and structure but first of all we will focus on serving Helsingin Sanomat's and NYT's readers even better. NYT gives its readers every Friday something to think about and to laugh at, Head of NYT Reetta Räty says.

The renewed NYT will introduce the most interesting events for the coming week: concerts, events, movies, and exhibitions, among others. The new content will include e.g. a new series "reviewer's choice" where professionals from different areas of culture recommends their choices of events. New pages will also include articles about style, work, nightlife, and pets.

Helsingin Sanomat is part of SanomaWSOY's newspaper publishing division, Sanoma.