Flagging Announcement - SanomaWSOY's Share Capital Increase Reduced Robin Langenskiöld's and Rafaela Seppälä's Holdings

Robin Langenskiöld's and Rafaela Seppälä's holdings in SanomaWSOY have decreased due to the share capital increase. Share capital was increased today when SanomaWSOY's convertible capital notes were converted into Series B shares.

The holding of Robin Langenskiöld has gone below one twentieth (1/20). Robin Langenskiöld now owns directly a total of 4.97% of SanomaWSOY's shares and 4.87% of votes. Before the share capital increase, Langenskiöld owned 5.03% of shares and 4.88% of votes.

Also the holding of Rafaela Seppälä has gone below one twentieth (1/20). Rafaela Seppälä now owns directly a total of 4.97% of SanomaWSOY's shares and 4.87% of votes. Before the share capital increase, Seppälä owned 5.03% of shares and 4.88% of votes.

SanomaWSOY Corporation's share capital consists of 154,970,113 shares (23,127,312 Series A shares and 131,842,801 Series B shares). The shares carry in total 594,389,041 votes (each Series A share carries 20 votes/share and each Series B share one vote/share).
The whole release