Mummon kone (Grandmother's mahcine) illustrated by Martti Ruokonen and written by Jukka Laajarinne has won the Nordic picture book competition. The jury was unanimous in decision. The first prize, 13,500 euros, will be presented to authors in Bologna Children's Book Fair in April 2005. In addition, the book will be published in countries participating in competition; Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. WSOY will publish the book in Finland.
The picture book competition was divided into two categories - national and Nordic. Five finalists from each national competition competed for the Nordic prize.
In Finland, the first prize of 6,750 euros was divided between two finalists; Mummon kone (Grandmother's machine) by Martti Ruokonen and Jukka Laajarinne and Hireveää, parkaisi hirviö (How awful, said the monster) illustrated by Katri Kirkkopelto and written by Suna Vuori. According to jury, these two works are different styles but in both the connection between pictures and text is complete.
The other finalists were Liian innokas nukkumatti (Too eager sandman) illustrated by Tarkka, Anne Peltola's POM POM and Kimurantti juttu (Complicated stroty illustrated by Petra Heikkilä.
WSOY will publish the five finalist works of national competition in autumn 2005.
WSOY is the book publishing division of SanomaWSOY Group.